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The latest news from SoA


Our initial group of developers are now progressing onto their 18 month apprenticeship. After a lot of hard work and dedication, they are now working on live RPA projects with clients and putting their existing skillset to use while continuing to learn more advanced skills and techniques.

The apprenticeship framework of IT and Telecommunications will complement their on the job experience and give them a valuable work-based qualification. We are delighted that our training partner, TIGERS, will deliver this qualification and support our young developers throughout their journey.

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School of Automation are excited to announce the launch of our brand new, redesigned website! The new look really shows off what we do and most importantly - why we do it. Our goal with the redesign is to better tell our story as well as encapsulate how much we have progressed in the past few months.

One new feature of the site is the SoA News which will be updated regularly in order to continue documenting the progression of both the young developers and the company as a whole. You can read about what our apprentices are getting up to, stay informed with any news regarding SoA, and get a sense of who we are.

If you want to stay up to date with everything SoA, be sure to follow us on social media and while you’re here, take a look around the new site!

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